Can I iron my veil?

Can I iron my veil?

A common mistake made by brides is to iron their veil. Unfortunately due to the fine quality of veiling that is required to produce a wedding veil they often get creased in transit, so it can be tempting for brides (or helpful friends!) to iron their veil when they receive it. However there are two reasons why brides should not do this: For most of our decoration we use heat-sensitive bonding which is broken down when ironed or steamed causing the decoration to be removed. Due to the fine nature of veiling it is also very easy to burn a veil whilst ironing it. Even low-temperature irons can discolour, burn or even melt the veiling. All of this can be easily avoided however, by collecting your veil from the shop in plenty of time and hanging it in a safe place away from pets and small children. After a few days hanging, the creases will fall out and you will have a perfect veil for your big day.
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